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tv   ABC2 News The Latest at 11  ABC  October 28, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm EST

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now abc 2 news at 11:00. a trusted volunteer at a baltimore city school is now charged with sexually abusing a student. i'm kelly swoope. that suspect is a 47-year-old man from southeast baltimore and the victim is a 14-year-old boy. we talked with them tonight. >> reporter: the suspect served as a mentor at the friendship academy of engineering and technology in northeast baltimore. the victim a student at that school. tonight the suspect's wife told me he didn't do anything wrong. investigators think he did. police say the suspect, 47-year- old mark citro shown in his facebook photo formed a relationship over a 1-year period even allowing h imto sleep over at his home which isn't far from friendship academy. his mom says the boy did sleep
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over. >> the 14-year-old? yeah, very different. >> but she maintains her husband's innocence. >> he is not guilty. he is not guilty at all. >> reporter: police say what went on in the home went beyond a father-son relationship. he would have the victim sit on the couch and put his legs up over his head and he would push on his rectum. police say he watched gay pornography and citro exposed himself. he was stealing underwear and would give the victim his underwear to wear home as well. in addition he was also charged with impersonating a police officer. >> he dressed as a police officer, had badges, worked with the city and state police and the f.b.i. to put child predators behind bars and turns out this individual is a child predators himself. >> neighbors can't believe it. >> never had a problem, ever, never would have thought that that was goin' on at right up the street.
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>> reporter: cite row's wife said he served as a deacon and says the charges stem from a dispute with the victim's mother. >> none of you guys know this is between my husband and her. right now. >> reporter: her husband, the victim, and his mother, and city police. >> we believe they took a pretty dangerous individual off the streets, a child predator. >> reporter: but his wife remains confident he will be cleared of the charges. >> he is still innocent until proven guilty. so with the good lord above he will get out of this. >> reporter: a spokesman for the city school system revealed he took and passed a background check in april of this year. he had no criminal record but a woman did take out a restraining order against him earlier this year. police are concerned that there might be other victims out there because of his work at that school in northeast baltimore. in downtown baltimore christian
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schaefer, abc 2 news. >> now stories like this have to make you wonder sex offenders should be easy to track, right. the state has a registry so you can see the names and places but not everyone has a street address you can pinpoint. still ahead at 11:00, abc 2 news investigator joce sterman shows us how sophie fenders have been skirting the law. they have been able to fly under the radar without registering where they live until now. she has got the scoop on a new law better protecting you. that's coming up. a woman convicted of faking cancer to scam her friends out of thousands of dollars learned her fate today. dina leoney was sentenced to 15 years in prison and ordered to repay more than $14,000 to victims. she shaved her head and told former dunn dock high classmates she was dying of stomach cancer. she did it to collect donations, everything from groceries to a disney vacation. she received a 10-year suspended sentence in 2004 for a mortgage fraud scheme? l in carroll county. that may add time to her prison
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sentence. a baltimore business owner takes matters into his own hands after a would-be-burglar breaks in. the owner of black essential beauty and barber supplies shot the suspect. the owner apparently was sleeping inside his store in the 4600 block of york road when the break-in happened. >> discovered that the owner of the business shot a suspected intruder as he enters. the intruder was shot in the leg, transported to an area hospital, and is expected to fully recover. >> the investigation continues tonight and charges are pending against the suspect. whether wise this evening it has been a breezy one out there. i was checking some of the peak wind gusts, these are impressive gusting to 20, 25 and higher. in some spots d.c. reporting a gust of wind at 30 miles per hour out there tonight. so yeah, it's breezy, getting much chillier. look at some of the numbers. we're still hanging onto the 60
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in inner harbor, look north and west. hagerstown down the 46 right now. frederick down to 54. you get an idea of what is coming our way. our satellite trend is clear so no rain in the forecast but, man, cooler day tomorrow by about 15 to 20 degrees. so that is gonna be a marked difference. but we do keep the sunshine around. we'll talk about if that happens all weekend long for your halloween plans as well, all coming up. kelly. >> thanks wyatt. tonight new information on the man charged with stealing campaign signs that support question a in anne arundel county. the attorney for 50-year-old david corrigan who was caught on video damaging and removing the signs informed abc 2 his employee is an employee of northrop grumman. much of the focus is on next year's election but sarah palin may be thinking two years
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ahead. they told mary heart of entertianment tonight she hasn't sided to run yet if she will run for presidency in 2012 but she didn't rule it out either. in the short-term democrats are bracing for a tough election tuesday night. polls show that women, catholics and independents, all of who usually lean toward democrats, are now leaning towards republicans. washington, d.c. is gearing up for jon stewart's rally to restore sanity. preparations are already under way on the national mall for saturday's huge event. tens of thousands are expected to flock to the nation's capital led by comedy central's jon stewart and stephen colbert. it has been build by the rally for people who have been too busy to go to rallies. well the group putting together baltimore's new grand prix didn't put money in escrow as scheduled but the stadium authority says it's not worried. now originally the baltimore grand prix was to deposit $800,000 in an escrow account
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for construction to remove curbs, trees, and rebuild the parking lot. but construction timetables have now changed and both the short and the grand prix are letting escrow bucks slide for a week or so. >> the intent behind the escrow account that is being setup was a performance assurance based on construction that's going to take place. the construction hasn't taken place so, from our point of view, there was not a real need to get that money in the account. the msa was fine with it. >> and the changing construction includes moving the location for a pit area at camden yards. you know, every thanksgiving the begati family feeds thousands of residents. and this year they need your help. holiday times are always a busy time at the center but they work year round to provide temporary housing for women and children. they really need the community's help to accommodate the growing demand for their services.
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>> it's tremendous and we are always with over 40% of our clientele. the teens that are coming to get stuff and clothing for their families. >> now if you would like to make a donation or become a volunteer you can stop by center or north chester street or give them a call (410)563- 2749 >> well if you need any evidence that we had a rough winter or a blazing hot summer take a look at those energy bills. months of extreme weather did a number on heating and cooling bills and a non-profit right here in maryland is trying to help those who can't quite deal with those monstrous bills brought on by mother nature. >> plus a former oreo was hitting home runs in the life of a young boy. why aubrey huff has caused this tiny texan to root real hard for the giants as the world series rolls on. >> that is awesome.
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15 degrees today. above average. 77 warm degrees out at bwi. but no more. cold air employing its way into the state. we'll tell you what it means for the weekend right after this. >> sunday at 11:00, it's not just a problem for the pros. >> i've got trouble in my head, george the rest. >> your kids could be at risk. >> is the threat posed by concussions over blown abc 2 works for you holding schools accountable. is your school doing oh enough to combat concussions. sunday in your net it. before the story airs pro- active parents can learn more. >> accidents happen. some can be more crippling or others, if you or a loved one have suffered extreme injury call la vine as, tolls man and hamilton, they have recovered over $100 million for their clients. you pay no fee until they win
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public safety is a governor's most important job. that's why governor martin o'malley has instituted new dna and fingerprinting technology that's reducing violent crime... new, stronger domestic violence and abuse legislation... and o'malley passed new laws to better track and convict sexual predators, with even longer prison sentences. as a father of four, i know there's always more that we must do to protect our children and make maryland an even safer place to raise our families.
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well it's supposed to be easy to track sex offenders where you live. the state registry pinpoints the names and addresses that you might be concerned about. but an old loophole in the law has given sophie fenders a way to kind of fly under the radar until now. joce sterman joins us now to explain. what a fascinating story. >> it is fascinating. because as you know maryland has 6,000 sex offenders on its registry and all list the street they live on except for about 100 of them. that's because they are listed as homeless. some in that grupp have been using that loophole to essentially avoid registering altogether. thanks to a new law they are going to have to pick a place to lay their head or spend some extra time with throws police. with police. -- with police. sex offenders are required to put their addressen the record. >> we're tracking them too, to make sure they live where they
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say they do. >> we're trying to find out if you recognize this guy. he supposedly lives down the street from you. it's supposed to be easy. the state registry gives you names, places and spaces where they live. at least the ones that have homes. >> wherever there is a loophole somebody is gonna find it. >> and until recently they found one here. all they had to do was register as homeless. we dug in and found more than 100 offenders listed as homeless on the registry. but not everyone who tells the state they have got nowhere to lay their head is actually telling the truth. >> i'm looking for joshua bias. >> reporter: in fact some have perfectly good homes that aren't hard to find. >> you know the story about the sex offender registry and you're on as homeless. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: that's josh bias. he was listed as having nowhere to live. >> i -- maybe my -- this is very uncomfortable. >> reporter: but a simple inner
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net search shows he has been in this catonsville building since june. >> you're not homeless. you live here. >> i'm going or the registering. >> reporter: situations just like this is the reason state lawmakers createdded a new law october 1st. sex offenders who claim homelessness have to check in with police once a week or risk arrest. >> if you can't be accountable for your location, wandering about, you need to report your wandering. >> reporter: the other option, sex offenders can pin themselves down to one place, even if it's a park bench. but once you've settled in you better settle up with the state. >> you're gonna register this address. >> yes. and comply with the law. >> josh bias did, he updated his address just moments after be saw him. still, prosecutors who fought these case essay some will find a new way to skirt the law. >> i think that probably down the road is there likely to be other holes to fill in this
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bill. sure, absolutely. that's always case. everyone is always looking for a gap or a loophole. >> reporter: updating the addresses of these homeless offenders is a job that falls to cops on the local level although ultimately most of them won't be sought out because of manpower problems. many will change their stay can you say in regular change-ups with police. a number of homeless offenders have updated the registry with permanent addresses and the registry will be updated as they go along and as they get this more information they'll add it to the registry so when you type it at home and look in your neighborhood you'll get more information. >> josh bias, looked like you stumbled upon him easily today. >> reporter: a new development. we've got a letter from his apartment complex, they told us he wasn't living there legally and once they saw his complex address listed on the registry they took legal action and have him removed. as far as we know he may be
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homeless again. >> how does this come about. >> it comes from homeless offenders five years ago who were truly homeless. the appeals judge overturned it saying homeless offenders didn't have to register an address because they didn't have one. that laid the groundwork. the legislators realized they need add law so, hence, one came. >> tons of information on the web site. >> tons of information. we have it at the top of the page, all about sex offenders, you can watch videos about those league a al cases we were talking about in montgomery county, check who is in your neighborhood and check the special investigation, that scripps have done. they have done a ton of work to look at the struggle to boast register and track those offenders. you can look at a map of your state and see who they have caught and how many they have caught. >> all right joce sterman. thanks for working for you. good report. >> thank you. >> thanks for the information. tomorrow will bring a lot of local kids out onto the
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gridiron for another round of friday night football. but you know, with all the excitement of the game comes moments like some of the violent hits we have seen in the nfl that have led to concussions. sunday night at 11 we're gonna take a closer look at concussions including tips on how to keep those kids safe on the playing field. tips like these. that's sunday night at 11:00 after brothers and sisters right here on abc 2 news at 11:00. now, maryland's most powerful doppler radar, and the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate. . >> what a fantastic fall day of weather out there. just have to recap it. take a look at a few spots around the state. weather net camera out here in laurel. kids undertake of practice and taking in some beautiful weather into the mid-70s today. lots of sunshine, got rid of the humidity. not to go complain about. still some fantastic fall color across maryland. you see those reds and yellows, green, gorgeous out towards myersville close to the appalachian trail.
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tough to see out there past sunsville. mid-70s today. warm stuff. pushed close to 80 in some spots. look at the peak wind gusts this afternoon and evening, 28 in glen burnie, 28 in westminster, 28 in golds borrow. at our harbor cam you can see a nice night. breezy. windy conditions. northwest wind at 10 but gusting higher and temperature 58. yeah, it's starting to feel a lot cooler out there with that northerly breeze coming steady 10 to 18 and right now temperatures falling off pretty dramatically, 62 still at ocean city, easton hanging onto nearly 60. look north and west. deep creek lake in the mid-30s, oakland, hagerstown 46 right now. that's a dramatic change. you'll feel that through the day tomorrow. we have even got a bit of a wind chill factor, feels like 48 in presented rick right now. your neighborhood by neighborhood, lots of beautiful blue sky, 60 in dunn dock and
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owens mill, as we take you towards howard county warmer in this direction, 62 columbia, 64 in laurel tomorrow. so slightly warmer as you head closer to the d.c. area. most of it solid 15 to 20 degrees cooler tomorrow. cool air fudge in right now. cooling off the skies pretty nicely. off to the north and west you can kind of see that this secondary shot of cold air is creating a pretty significant amount of cloud cover and precipitation up towards cleveland and upstate new york. we're seeing a little bit of rain effect, snow in that direction, cold air rolling down out of the canadian prairies and all funling into our area. a crisp start, we never get out of the 50s most of the day, even if you get to 60 or 62 it will be an hour in the afternoon. that cool air is going to keep funneling in. breezy day, much cooler. saturday the main difference is
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is that we'll clear the skies. widespread sunshine allowing us to climb back to 60, 62 degrees. much more fall-like, much more autumn issue as we go into saturday and sunday. overnight 43, cool clouds, getting cooler overnight tonight. tomorrow through the day a struggle to get out of the 50s, i think we'll probably get closer to 59 or 60. we'll call it 58 on average, tomorrow night 57 degrees. chilly night for your friday night plans. halloween parties are early or such, put an extra layer under the costume. halloween weekend lots of sunshine, more seasonable fall weather and just a little warmer on sunday. back to you kelly. >> all right. thanks a lot wyatt. with a record setting summer and last year's snowfall people in the region also experienced some record setting energy bills. fuel fund of maryland says it's trying to make sure that does not happen again. officials with the non-profit
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say hundreds of marylanders have reached out to them to get help with their utility bills. >> it definitely encouraged me to, you know, give back and to actually let others know that there is a system of programs out here that will actually help people, you know, during these trying times. >> officials with fuel fund say since the blizzard of 2010 there has been an overwhelming demand for its services in 2011. you know, most baseball fans in texas are rooting hard for the hometown rangers in this world series but one family is cheering its heart out for the san francisco giants and it's because of a former baltimore orioles. joe turner was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on its kidney. one of the first people to be there was giants first weighs man aubrey huff who used to play right here in baltimore. huff flu joe and his family out to san francisco early this evening to hang out with the
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team. in return, joe gave huff a bracelet that says "going to bat for joe" and huff has worn it throughout the playoffs. >> he's still really glad and he is cheering for me like help me win the battle over cancer. >> special knowing that you know too reach out to our son and during this time is, that he is such a special guy to do that. >> that's pretty awesome. joe and his family will be happy after the end of the world series no matter who wins. he is expected to be declared cancer free very soon. so how do you spell halloween? we're going to take you to a local school that is putting a unique and educational switch on the holiday coming up. storm gear and promotional consideration provided by ll beep.
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press box sports report presented by mr. basement. >> kevin heights with the "press box sports report." san francisco at the world series, barry bonds, and the former slugger said he would be interested in going the route of mark mcgwire and become a hitting coach. he is scheduled to go before a grand jury about lying about
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drug abuse. ron artest is raffling off his nba championship ring for charity. he said his goal is to raise awareness of mental illness. the winner will get a trip to los angeles and a premium ticket to a lakers game where artest will present his ring. ralph tickets can be purchased at ron after the midshipmen defeated notre dame for third time in three years, a win over clinch will guarantee them a third straight bowl birth. for -- berth. >> penalty on the homeowner. nasty crawl space.
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very cute but not your ordinary halloween parade. instead of decorating the hauls of ghosts and goblins the kids from wood home elementary have a some cab you larry e.r.a. parade. classes took about 45 minutes so kids could dress up as their
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favorite word. since everyone doesn't celebrate halloween they thought this should be fun and educational. great music > ah. >> goin' on. >> they had a little strutting around. >> no kidding. all right. it's windy out there. >> a breezy one kelly. in fact we've got, we're talking about all these warm days, look at this, wind chill factor down in the 40s tonight in baltimore. through the day struggling to get back to 60 degrees. fall back in the air.? ga grea [ tyler ] i've been raised on a dairy.
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i mean, that's why i like it. but, like my sisters... [ sighs ] ...i can't describe them. ♪ we need dairies because they produce milk and butter and all of that stuff we use daily. when my dad gets older, run his dairy. i wanted to do that! [ chuckles ] ♪ newspapers agree: frank kratovil is a vastly better choice than andy harris. kratovil is the only candidate who will actually try to fix what we're all angry about. andy harris' hometown paper says he's too extreme and has accomplished nothing. washington is overrun by the left and the right. but like you, i'm more interested in creating jobs, cutting the debt and getting tough on illegal immigration. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this messaged because as one of the 10 most
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independent members of congress, i'm in the middle with you. wowowon are charged 40% more for the same health insurance as men. domestic violence is treated as a pre-existing condition in eight states. women are abused by their husbands and then by their insurance companies. and last year they tried to end our coverage for mammograms and other preventive services. well i'm proud to say i got the law changed. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message


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